• The Uniti Core uses Rovi genres. If a genre has been imported with legacy data this can be selected by choosing the Legacy tab.

    For any tab the user can add a new genre or delete the genre applied to that album. To find this feature scroll to the bottom of the Edit Metadata screen. For more information, see the ”Manually Editing the Metadata” topic.
  • 1. Touch the Naim app.
  • 2. Touch Uniti Core.
  • 3.

    To edit the metadata source for a particular album, navigate to the desired album.

  • 4.

    Touch the icon.

  • 5. Touch Edit Metadata.
  • 6. If “Lookup metadata” fails to find metadata for you album or you would like to manually add a genre. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and touch Add genre.
  • 7. Enter the Genre you would like to use for the album. As you begin typing, the app will generate Genreʼs based on your input.
  • 8. Touch the Genre you wish to use.
  • 9. To remove a genre from a particular album, navigate to the Edit metadata screen, scroll to the bottom of the screen and touch the X icon.
  • 10. To remove any data edited by a user, touch Clear user edits.