naim Uniti Nova
- 1. ^^^Ensure that the Uniti Nova is not plugged in to any mains power supply.
- 2. 将电源线连接到 Uniti Nova 并打开电源。
- 3. ^^^Press the power button. The light ring around the volume control knob will pulse until the unit is set up and running.
- 4. 触摸 Naim 应用程序。
- 5. 触摸设置新产品。
- 6. 触摸 Uniti Atom、Star 和 Nova。
- 7. 輕觸下一步。
- 8. 触摸无线。
- 9. 触摸 Uniti Nova。
- 10. 確認所顯示的詳細信息,然後點擊下一步。
- 11. 輕觸完成。
- 12. 触摸所需的国家/地区。
- 13. 触摸所需的产品名称。
- 14. 触摸所需的选项。^^^By selecting Decline you will not be able to use the Chromecast built-in functionality. You can set this up later by accessing the Start Up Wizard from the Settings > Factory Settings menu on the Front Panel display.
- 15. 輕觸下一步。
- 16. 触摸所需的选项。^^^Touch Yes to set up the Uniti Nova as a UPnP server. The Uniti Nova will be discoverable over a network even when in Standby mode. This will use more power.
- 17. 輕觸完成。
- 18. 您的 Uniti Nova 现已设置并可立即使用。